Friday, June 29, 2012

DAY ONE: Traveling, Jeepneys, and lots of airplane food

Hello Kitty....
This has been a never ending day that started at 9pm on June 27, 2012. We had to meet at the airport to get checked in. Our flight wasn’t until 1:30 am on June 28 but when traveling in a group you always have to plan for extra time. In this case it was way too much extra time but we spent it catching up and eating overpriced airport food in the LAX international terminal. At some point we finally made it on the plane and started the 14 some hour journey to Taipei, Taiwan. It was long and rather boring filled with many movies, trying to sleep and not one but two awful airplane meals. We arrived in Taipei around 6:30 am and I took a picture with Hello Kitty. After a short layover, more airplane food and a short flight from Taipei to Manila we finally arrived!!!!! 

Getting tea and coffee at the mall 
In class we have spent months talking about this trip to the Philippines and now we are finally here!!! Its exciting and overwhelming at the same time. I am so excited to be here but I am still so tired that its hard for me to believe I am actually in the Philippines. After the group arrived in Manila and made it through customs we all hopped on a bus and had a fun 2 1/2 hour bus ride to IIRR (International Institute for Rural Reconstruction). The bus ride really reminded me why I am here but at the same time depressed me. I am so excited to get to use the skills I have learned, and new skills to help these people but then I remember that I leave in 3 weeks and this experience doesn't necessarily create a lasting impact on the health of the Filipino population I will be working with. I love that I get to help but I just wish it was for longer than 3 weeks.  

Nasty bugs in our cottage 
After a bus ride that only developing countries can deliver full of traffic, near collisions and the constant smell of exhaust, we arrived at IIRR. By this time I was dead tired and had been traveling a long time and really wanted showers, food and a bed to sleep in. Instead of sleeping and relaxing the group ate a snack- oatmeal and pineapple squares and some noodle and veggie dish, then we got on two Jeepneys and headed to the closest mall to exchange money and pick up forgotten supplies. So a Jeepney is this little bus thing that can hold lots of people and is a very popular way to travel. It was fun except for the countless amount of exhaust that pours in the windows from that other cars outside. 

The mall was like every other mall... just different prices and different fast food stores; though a Wendys, and a McDonalds were both there. Well it has been a very long day and now I am in Cottage 10 with 5 other girls and currently fighting off the swarm of bugs that has engulfed our front porch area. The water is finally on and the humidity and traveling have made it so I desperately need a shower.... 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One week to go!

It's one week before I leave for the Philippines with 20+ other students and I can't wait. For those of you that don't know I am going to the Philippines for a class requirement for my MPH in Global Health at Loma Linda University. I will be in the Philippines for 3 weeks (June 28 to July 19) working in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction for the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. I can't wait to apply what I've learned this year and do a little bit of touristy stuff. I have never been the Philippines but I am excited to see what this opportunity has in store for me.