Wednesday, July 4, 2012

DAY FOUR: A giant gecko!!!

Today we stayed on the IIRR campus and had some presentations. ADRA, World Vision, Red Cross and a few other organizations came to talk with us about the work they are doing in the Philippines. It was really interesting hearing about the different programs going on and also meeting some students from the Adventist graduate school near here and what they are doing for classes. This was a pretty relaxed day and we were at IIRR all day and the organizations came to us. It was a long day but we got a great snack of friend bananas. They were so good! And they provided us with much needed coffee to keep us awake during the many presentations. At some point it started to rain and that completely delayed our afternoon presenters. The Red Cross was over an hour late and they had spent 4 hours in traffic from Manila to Silang to talk with us. They had one of the best presentations. One of the men that presented, who had dyed blond hair almost to the point of getting that orange tinge, told us that he was single and to let him know if we were interested. At the end of the presentation he told me we have the same kind of hair. Such a character!

Overall today was very relaxed and nice. It started raining pretty hard later in the night. We actually lost power while I was Skyping with the family. At one point it was raining so hard that I couldn't hear what my family was saying. Tonight was the night I also saw the biggest gecko ever. It was about a 1 1/2 feet long and just huge. I didn't get a picture but my family saw him on Skype before he ran up into the roof. We had about 6 lizards in the front porch area and ended up losing power until midnight and then we were on generators for the rest of the night.

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