Monday, July 2, 2012

DAY THREE: Stuck in the mud at Malibiclibic Falls

I thought we would be going to Taal Volcano today but we found a waterfall that is mainly a local spot. Malibiclibic Falls will remain a mystery because we were unable to see it, not because it wasn't there or that we couldn't find it. The real reason is because we got stuck in the mud while driving there.

The group of 11 hired a Jeepney for the day and started off around 10:30 am. Jeepneys are interesting to ride in. They have windows but it is so hot that you have to open them to get a little bit of a breeze. You end up breathing in enough pollution and exhaust to make snot black when you blow your nose. Also, like many other countries there aren't real rules when driving and so the driver goes into the other lane or really close to another car. I will say that the Philippines has actually been better driving wise than a few other places I have been. Cairo, Egypt was much more scary, drivers said the lines separating lanes were for decoration. At least in the Philippines they try and stay in their own lane. But we had a rather long uncomfortable Jeepney ride.

According to our Google research the falls were supposed to be around 40 minutes away but since we didn't really know where they were it took 2 hours. We finally found some locals who knew where it was and got in the right barangay (village) and it was going well until we hit the dirt road. As everyone know dirt turns into mud when it rains and it rains lots in the Philippines. In fact its raining right now as I type this. Well it had rained the day before and the Jeepney is not exactly made for off-roading so we got stuck about 30 minutes from the falls.

So were stuck and a few people freaked out a little or got annoyed but things like this do happen and you just have to figure out a way to get the car or truck or Jeepney out of the mud so you can continue on your way. We all climbed out and a few of us started looking for rocks, trees branches,  log type items to put under the wheels to get some traction so we could push the Jeepney out f the med hole it was currently in. We worked on it for awhile and then our driver and the local with him decided to call for some help on their walkie-talkie. Of course Americans expect help to come in a fast and timely manner but many other countries don't see it that way. So we had lunch and waited around. A few of us tried to start to the falls but were told we couldn't go... such a kill joy!

By this point in time I was about ready to have heat stroke because I had a one piece black bathing suit on and pants and we had be pushing a Jeepney. So I decided to head up the path a little ways and change into other clothes behind a bush. Fortunately the clearing up above was clear and the only thing the got a show was the water buffalo mama and here two babies. While I was changing the Jeepney was pushed free. At that point we had to hop back on and head back to IIRR for some meetings. We didn't make it to the falls but we did have an adventure.

Sorry I don't have any pictures of our amazing day maybe I'll find some from the other girls.

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