Monday, July 16, 2012

DAY TEN: Not a day of rest

Sunday is not a day of rest this weekend. Last Friday we officially started working on our projects and we pilot tested all the tools we made--FG, KII, Survey. Obviously changes needed to be made so we pretty much worked on that all day. When working in a community it is really nice to know the general background of the community but in our case we were pretty much going in blind to every barangay. So after our pilot of the tools on Friday we found that the community perceptions were very different than we were thinking they would be. An example would be that they all buy mineral water as a source for drinking water so they don't see themselves as having a problem with water. But if a community member doesn't have money for mineral water they are drinking from the posos or deep wells which many times are contaminated. So really there is a problem with water but if you can buy mineral water you choose to not see the problem because it doesn't effect you directly.
Re-creating the focus group guide, which was my job, took a good hunk of the day.  Unfortunately I was starting to feel a little sick. Other people had gotten sick on the trip and ended up at the doctors and on antibiotics so I am really hoping that wouldn't happen to me.

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