Sunday, July 8, 2012

DAY SEVEN: Let the work begin!

This morning we went to Cavite City to visit the provincial hospital and a presentation that would have created many sexual harassment lawsuits in the US. Our presenter was a surgeon who was pretty interesting and I think wanted to make us laugh but it made many people mad. He told one of my female colleagues that she had a large butt; and two others that they were showing too much cleavage. When presenting us with coffee at the end he found out my last name is German and said something in German and did the Hitler sign to me. Yea it was an awkward day. The hospital overall was pretty nice. The OB room was so crowed, there were around 3 women per bed with their little babies and every bed was full so over 100 women in the ward. It was interesting to see, especially because women in the US get mad when they don't have their own room while the hospital now; such different perceptions.

After our trip to Cavite City we made our way back to IIRR to finally find out what our projects would be. I am in the Disaster Risk Reduction group and well we found out that we had lots of work to do. I thought that we would just have site visits to see where we would be working on the rest of the time but we found out that we needed to make a whole focus group guide, key informant interview guide and survey by Friday- July 6 and it was Thursday July 5, at 5pm at night. We also needed to go to the mall to get snacks and supplies for the focus groups. The mall trip took a very long time. We found out that we needed rain boots and other things which would have been nice to know before we left....oh well. We got back from the mall and started writing the questions and going over what we wanted to actually research. My group is conducting a water and sanitation assessment in 9 barangays over the next week which include a focus group, key informant interviews and a household community survey. We spent until about 1am finishing up on the questions and then tried to get some sleep because we had to be up early the next day to pilot test all of our assessment tools. Its going to be a long day tomorrow. 

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